Easy KoolAid Sherbet is the perfect summertime treat! You can make any flavor you want and you only need three ingredients!
 Prep Time 5 minutes
 Total Time 5 minutes
 Servings 6 servings
 Author Butter With a Side of Bread

  • 1 pkg Kool-Aid mix any flavor
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 cups milk I used 1% because that's what we usually have, but I'm sure any kind would work


·         In a large bowl, whisk together all three ingredients until sugar and Kool-Aid mix is dissolved. Pour into a shallow dish, cover and then place in the freezer for about 2 hours, or until mostly set.
·         Place the partially frozen sherbet back in a bowl and mix with an electric mixer until smooth. Refreeze in the covered, shallow container until set (at least a few hours, I freeze mine overnight). Set the sherbet out about 10-15 minutes prior to serving to make it easier to scoop.

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