Triple Chocolate Pecan Loaves

Triple Chocolate Pecan Loaves

Prepare time: 25 min
Cook: 2 hours 25 min
Ready in: 2 hours 55 min


For the Cakes

·         1 box of devil’s food cake mix
·         1 cup of finely chopped and toasted pecans
·         1 cup of semi sweet mini chocolate chips
·         3 large whole eggs
·         3 tablespoons of coffee granules or powder
·         ½ cup of oil
·         1 ⅓ cup of buttermilk

For the Glaze

·         3 oz of bittersweet chocolate
·         ½ cup of heavy whipping cream

For Decoration

·         1 oz of white chocolate
·         Some more chopped and toasted pecans, half them


·        1Let’s make the cake first. Pre heat the oven to 350° Fahrenheit. Prepare 2 loaf pans. It is recommended to use 8½ x 4½ x 2 inch size for ideal size. Use a non sticky loaf pan or spray the entire surface of the pan inside using nonstick spray. Set aside.
·        2Take a large mixing bowl and add in eggs, coffee granules or powder, oil, buttermilk, and the beat cake mix. Whisk using an electric mixer and use low speed. Whisk for around 30 seconds until everything is well mixed and smooth. Turn up to speed to medium and mix again for another 2 minutes. Add the pecans and chocolate chip, and mix again until it is spread in it evenly.
·        3Now, we are ready to bake. Divide the batter to the two pans evenly. Transfer both pans into the oven and bake for around 50 minutes. Considering that each oven bakes in different rates, it is important to check the loaf. Insert a toothpick in the loaf until it reaches the middle part. If it comes out clean, the loaf is ready to be taken out. If the toothpick comes out with a little of the batter, bake for another few minutes.
·        4When the loaves are ready, take it out of the oven. Let it cool for around 10 minutes over the wire rack. When it is cool a little, take them out of the pans and then turn the right side up so it can cool completely. While waiting for them to cool, let’s make the glaze.
·        5Put the heavy cream in a pan or microwave bowl and heat it up over the stovetop or microwave. Wait until it is steaming. Add the chocolate and let it stands for another five minutes. After 5 minutes, whisk it slowly until smooth. Take it off the heat and pour it over the loaf. Use a knife to spread the glaze to each corner of the loaves. Let it cool for a while.
·        6Now let’s prepare the decoration. Use a 1-qt of zip top bag. Choose one that is sturdy enough. Add the white chocolate in it and heat it in the microwave for around 10 seconds or until it finally melts. Cut a small hole on one of the bag corners and line the white chocolate on top of the chocolate glaze. Add the pecan halves at the top for more elaborated look.

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