Chocolate Chip Brownie Cheesecake Recipe

Chocolate Chip Brownie Cheesecake Recipe

Prepare time: 10 min
Cook: 120 min
Ready in: 135 min
Well, do you in love with brownies cookies? Well, we agree that brownies are the best cookies in the world. You should try all type of brownie cookies especially chocolate chip brownie cheesecake. If you taste this brownie cookies, you will get addicted to this brownie cookie. If you want to eat more, you do not have to go far away to the store because we love to share the recipe for you. The brownie cookies are simple to cook. You can buy all the ingredients in the nearest store with your home. So that, you can make it in your lovely kitchen. Cookies homemade is the best cookies in the world, and nothing can beat the idea of homemade. So, let’s begin with all the details
How to cook chocolate chip brownie cheesecake recipe
If you ready to make this food? Well, if the answer is yes do not forget to wear your beautiful apron so that the smell and the ingredients will not touch your clothes. You have to follow the ingredients and the directions. Because, if you follow it in the right way, the recipe will lead you to the most delicious brownie cake. And do not forget, there is cheesecake that will combine with the brownie cookies. What a beautiful cookies that you will make! So, let’s begin with the ingredients


·         One package or a box or brownie mix (consist of all the components that need to make them).
·         Two cups of cream cheese (softened).
·         One cup of white sugar.
·         0ne tablespoon of vanilla.
·         Three cups of whipped cream or whipped topping.
·         Two cups of chocolate chips.


·        1.Take a box of brownie mix. Combine the brownie with the package directions (you can use any brand of brownie).

·        2.Place the brownie into baking pan. Bake the brownie for 30 minutes or in line with the directions that inform on the package

·        3.Meanwhile baking the brownie, add cream cheese and sugar until the both of ingredients getting smooth.

·        4.Combine the vanilla and whipped cream and fold the chocolate chips. Layer the brownie with the mixture of vanilla, whipped cream, and chocolate chips

·        5.Put the brownie in the refrigerator for 1 hour and 30 minutes before you serve the brownie

·        Well, how was that everyone? Is it straightforward and easy to cook the cookies right? You can eat the cookies while accompany you watch some film, drama, anime or the other activity. Since the brownie cheesecake served for many people, you should share it with your family, neighbor, friends, and the people you love the most. We are sure that all individuals that taste the chocolate chip brownie cheesecake will get addicted. Also, you can keep the brownie in the refrigerator until you want to eat the cookies. So, have a delicious chocolate chip brownie cheesecake everybody!

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