Chocolate Chip Mint Greek Yogurt Pops

Chocolate Chip Mint Greek Yogurt Pops

Prepare time: 3 min
Cook: 15 min
Ready in: 20 min
Do you in love to eat ice? Well, we know the best ice is a popsicle. But, have you ever taste chocolate chip mint Greek yogurt popsicle? Well, if you never taste it, it is unfortunate because this type of popsicle is the best popsicle in this world! You do not have to go to find this kind of popsicle because you can make it by yourself. If you do not know the ingredients, lucky you that we will share the best recipe for you! What a fantastic day right. Well, all the ingredients that consist in the recipe are simple and easy. You can combine all flavor that you like to add. Well, let’s start with the details guys such as the ingredients and the directions. Enjoy the took everyone.
How to make chocolate chip mint Greek yogurt pops
Well, if you ever saw Zootopia film, you will see that popsicle is the most famous ice in that movie. Well, is not only in the film. In fact, all peoples love to eat the popsicle. Now, you can make it by yourself. All the ingredients that you need are straightforward. You do not have to confuse because all store sells the components that you need. Well, let’s check all the ingredients and the directions that you need to follow


·         One cup of nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt or low-fat yogurt
·         Two cups of milk
·         One teaspoon of vanilla extract
·         ½ tablespoon of sugar
·         One cup of chocolate chips
·         Food coloring (optional. Or you could choose the alternative way if you do not want to add coloring food. The alternative way is to blend fruits that you love and replace the coloring food with the juice. Such as, juice of strawberry will replace pink coloring food, or juice melon will replace the green coloring food and so on)
·         ½ cups of chocolate magic shell (optional)
·         Six of popsicle sticks


·        1. Take a stand mixing bowl. Place milk, Greek yogurt, vanilla and pepper mint extract and mix until the material soften. Add coloring food if you desire. Whisk the coloring food into the mixture popsicle mold
·        2. Insert the popsicle into the chocolate shell. Sprinkle the popsicle with mini chocolate chips
·        3. Place the stick in the pops. Place the popsicle into the freezer.

Your popsicle is ready! Well, how was it, everyone? It is easy, and simple co took a right. In case you want to add the other materials, you can add fruits to it. Slice the fruits into small pieces and put it into the popsicle. You can use any fruits, such as strawberry, grape, kiwi, or the other fruits that you love to eat that filled in the popsicle. The best timing to enjoy your popsicle is in the evening especially you eat the popsicle during watch the sunset. What a beautiful time for you!

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