Pink Lemonade Hearts

Pink Lemonade Hearts
First off, Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! Hope you’re surrounded with family, friends and loved ones on this day of love. 🙂 

If you’re wondering why I’m blogging today instead of enjoying a lovey-dovey day with the boyfriend, it’s because we aren’t very big on celebrating V-day. Can’t get out of loving each other every other day of the year now, can we? 😛 But hey, if hogging some delicious homemade Chicken Biryani while lazing in front of the TV all day counts, we celebrated alright! 🙂

But that’s not all I did! I also used Valentine’s Day as an excuse to bake some delicious Pink Lemonade Hearts. Well, they’re what bakers around the world call Lemon bars, just that they’re pink and heart-shaped; perfect for Valentine’s Day! 

I’m not going to keep you around much longer reading this blog post, lest you end up late for a date or a meal with family and friends. So without further ado, here’s the step-by-step recipe.

Here’s what you need:
For the crust:

  • All Purpose Flour – 2 cups
  • Sugar – 1/3 cup
  • Butter – 226 g, cold, roughly chopped into small cubes
  • For the filling: 
  • Castor Sugar – 1 and 1/2 cups
  • All Purpose Flour – 1/4 cup
  • Eggs- 4
  • Vanilla Extract – 5-6 tsp
  • Juice of 5 small lemons
  • Zest of 3 lemons
  • Pink Gel Food Colouring – 2 drops

You will also need:

Heart shaped cookie cutters
Icing sugar, for dusting
Here’s how you make these Pink Lemonade Hearts:
Step 1: Preheat your oven to 170 degrees Celsius. In a bowl, place the flour and add in the sugar. Mix it well. Add in the chopped butter.

Step 2: Using the whisk attachment of your stand mixer (you can use a fork or a potato masher instead), smush the butter into the flour, making sure to break it into littler pieces. Keep pressing and cutting the butter until the mixture is well mixed yet crumbly.

Step 3: Then press the crumby batter into the base of a generously greased baking pan and pop it into the oven for about 25 minutes or until the sides turn golden.

Step 4: While the crust is baking, make the filling. Place sugar, flour, eggs, lemon juice and zest, pink food colouring and vanilla extract in a bowl and blend until it forms a smooth liquid. Once the crust is baked, pull it out of the oven and pour the lemon filling over the hot crust. Pop the tin back into the oven and bake for another 20 minutes.

Step 5: Once baked, allow it to cool completely, then refrigerate it for an hour. Take it out of the refrigerator and using a heart shaped cookie cutter, cut out Pink Lemonade Hearts. Dust with some icing sugar and enjoy!

These Pink Lemonade Hearts aren’t just pretty to look at; they are drop dead delicious! If you’re a fan of anything lemony like I am, you will love these. They are sweet and tangy and crunchy and luscious all at the same time. A fantastic blend of flavours and textures that will make your heart sing!

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