Zucchini, Apple and Carrot Puree

Zucchini, Apple and Carrot Puree

Prepare time: 5 min
Cook: 20 min
Ready in: 25 min
The combination of zucchini and apple can create a sweet and tasty flavor. Moreover, if you add the carrots, then it becomes a perfect mixture of veggies and fruit. To give more variations to your baby and kids menu, you can serve this for them. As we know that baby and kids, particularly kids mostly hate veggies, so you can offer them to try this veggies and fruit puree. Besides, it also needs less than 30 minutes to make which means that this puree is not only good for the baby or kids but also for the mommy since it is very easy and simple to make.
How to cook Zucchini, Apple and Carrot Puree
To cook this puree, you don’t need any other additional ingredients except the zucchini, apples, and carrots. Here, you only need water to get the consistency that you want. Prepare the ingredients and the blender, then start to make one at home.


·         450 gr of organic zucchini
·         100 gr of organic carrots
·         Two organic apples
·         300 ml of water


·         1First, you need to wash the zucchini, carrots, and apples. Then, you need to cut the zucchini half-length. Next, you can cut this half piece into other eight smaller pieces. Do the same to the other half. After that, you can continue to peel the carrots, also cut it into halves then cut each half again into eight pieces. Cut also the apple into eight pieces with no seeds and stems.
·         2Prepare a large pot, filled with water and put the carrots in it. Next, turn the stove on to high heat and cook the carrots for around 8 minutes or until the carrots are much softer. Also, don’t forget to keep on stirring the mixture. After 8 minutes, you may add the zucchini and apples into the pot and cook for about three until 5 minutes.
·         3Then, you need to prepare the blender and pulse the puree until it becomes well-blended or smooth. Next, you can use ice cube trays to fridge this puree. Simply pour the puree into the trays and keep it cool in the refrigerator or freezer for better-frozen puree. Also, don’t forget to wrap or cover the bowl before you put it in the fridge.
·         Finally, after following the steps explained above, you can have your version of zucchini, apple and carrot puree. Many ways can be done to enjoy this food, one of the best way to eat this is with oatmeal. You can imagine your baby or kids devour all of the purees you’ve made for them.

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