·         2 x 410g cans fruit cocktail in fruit juice
·         1 lime jelly
·         200ml double cream


1.       Drain the fruit cocktail and keep the juice
2.      Tear the jelly into cubes and put in a measuring jug (at least 500ml size)
3.      Add 100ml boiling water to the jelly and stir until dissolved
·         You may need to stand the jug in a bowl of very hot water to ensure the jelly dissolves
·         If necessary add some of the fruit juice
4.      Once the jelly cubes have dissolved, make up the jelly to 450ml using the saved fruit juice
5.      Leave to cool until the jelly is the consistency of unwhisked egg white
·         Stand the jelly in cold water to speed up the cooling. You could put it in the fridge but you must keep looking to make sure it doesn’t get too set)
6.      Beat the cream until it is only a slightly thicker consistency than the jelly
7.      Lightly mix the cream into the jelly
8.      Add the drained fruit and mix through
9.      Pour into the serving bowl and chill for at least 4 hours
·         Cover with a lid or clingwrap so that nothing falls into your beautiful dessert


Lime Fruit Dessert can be made the day before you need it and kept in the fridge. It will keep for at least 3 days (or as long as the best-before date on the cream)

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