Easy Stromboli

Easy Stromboli

Prepare time: 5 min
Cook: 25 min
Ready in: 35 min
If you visit a pizza joint, then you can find this dish in one of the menu list. If you never try this before, then you should taste one because it is also as good as pizza. As we know that pizza comes from Italy, Stromboli is not the same. It originally comes from the United States. Some say that it is from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and many others. This shows that stromboli is not originally Italian food. It is nearly the same with a sandwich and filled with many kinds of cheese, meats, and vegetables. The meats that used in this recipe are Italian salami and pepperoni. For the cheese, it will use mozzarella cheese, and for the vegetables, you can add any veggie that you like the most so that you can make a delicious yet healthy stromboli. Next, this combination will be wrapped in Italian bread dough or pizza dough, and they will be roasted until it well cooked. If you want to make this at home, then you just have to follow the easy and quick steps below.
How to make Easy Stromboli
The ingredients and the steps to make stromboli are very easy and simple. In only a half hour you can get a tasty and delicious stromboli that you can cook in your kitchen. For a whole and complete recipe, read and follow the instructions below until the end.


·         A tube of Pillsbury thin crust dough
·         120 ml of pizza sauce
·         12 medium slices of Italian salami
·         16 slices of pepperoni
·         250 gr of mozzarella cheese
·         One beaten egg
·         Chopped parsley


1.      1Prepare and heat the oven up to 200 celsius-degree. Put the Pillsbury thin crust dough on a parchment paper then spread with the pizza sauce for about 2 inches. After that, give a slice of Italian salami, a slice of pepperoni and a cup of cheese.
2.      2After all of the ingredients are added, roll the parchment like a cinnamon roll and squeeze the edge of the roll to make seal then and fold it up. Then, lay the seam of the stromboli down. On top of it, give egg and mozzarella cheese. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. Put the stromboli into the oven and bake for 20 minutes or until the color turns golden brown.
3.      Those are the directions that can guide you to make your own stromboli. You can enjoy this simple and delicious dish together with your family members or friends. Serve stromboli while it is hot with tomato sauce or you can simply dip the stromboli into your favorite soup.

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