French Apple Tart

French Apple Tart

Prepare time: 5 min
Cook: 60 min
Ready in: 65 min
Get a special and wonderful taste of dessert that you can present to your family simply by combining the apples and other complement ingredients into a great French Apple Tart. Brush with the fig preserves over the pie as the final touch. Also,  you may substitute this with apricot preserves or marmalade.
How to make French Apple Tart
It takes 5 minutes only to prepare and do the cook for an hour, and you can make a large portion of French Apple Tart at home. Now, just take a look at the recipe below and follow all of the instructions.


·         A sheet of puff pastry
·         One and a half large of peeled and then sliced of crisp apple
·         One and a half teaspoons of lemon juice
·         150 gr of brown sugar
·         50 gr of fig preserves


1.      1Firstly, heat the oven over 400 Fahrenheit-degree or 200 celsius-degree. Then prepare a baking sheet and put a large parchment paper on top of it. While unrolling the puff pastry sheet over a baking sheet, get a fork and pierce all part of the puff pastry.
2.      2Then, prepare a large bowl and fill it with apple slices along with the brown sugar and lemon juices. On the puff pastry that you have prepared before, like the apple slices diagonally or you may also set in straight down. Here, you need to make the apple slices overlap each other.
3.      3After they are ready, you just need to put the baking sheet in the oven that has been heated before. Bake the pie for around 40 minutes until you can see the color of the puff pastry turns brown. Here, the edges of the apple pie will be much brown than the middle part.
4.      4After 40 minutes, you may turn the oven off and get the baking sheet out of the oven. Take a metal spatula and loosen the tart with it. Do this immediately, after you’ve finished baking the pie. Then prepare a serving plate and put the tart in it. Also, you can enjoy this with fig preserves that have been warmed up before in a microwave for around 30 minutes. Next, you can brush this all over the tart and enjoy the pie.
Now, after following all the simple and easy steps above, you can make your own French Apple Pie that you may serve as a special dessert for your family. It looks beautiful and perfectly sweet as well. Last but not least, make sure you enjoy this while it is warm with whipped cream or ice cream.

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