Beer Mug Cake

Beer Mug Cake
Kate Murdoch

1x 8 inch round chocolate cake
  • Buttercream:
  • 450 grams Icing sugar
  • 150 grams unsalted butter
  • 35-40 milliliters whole milk
  • To decorate:
  • Yellow fondant
  • Cocoa powder
  • Toothpicks

1.       For the buttercream sift the icing sugar into a bowl, add the butter and half the milk and beat until sandy.

2.       Add the remaining milk and beat for a good 5 minutes until the icing is paler in colour and is light and fluffy.

3.       To assemble the cake cut 3 x 3 inch diameter circles out of the cake using a round cookie cutter and place the first one onto a cake board. Add a small dollop of icing underneath the base circle to help keep it in place.

4.       Add butter cream and top with the next circle of cake. Repeat with the final layer before crumb coating the whole cake. You may need to add straws into the centre of the cakes to help secure it.

5.       Place the smoothed cake into the fridge until the buttercream has set.

6.       Add another layer of buttercream around the whole cake before smoothing on the yellow fondant. To make sure the fondant fits perfectly use a measuring tape to measure the height and width before cutting it out. I like to press my offset spatula into the icing to make ridges like a beer mug.

7.       Add remaining buttercream into a piping bag fitted with a round tip and pipe the top of the cake to look like beer froth. I also like to use a smaller round tip to fill in any gaps and to create some froth around the bottom of the glass to look like it's spilt over.

8.       Dust cocoa powder with a clean paint brush into the beer mug grooves made by the spatula to create shadows.

9.       To make the handle roll some of the excess fondant into a sausage shape and form it into a handle. Leave it to set and harden and then glue it to the cake with water. You may want to use toothpicks to secure it.

10.   Transfer cake to serving plate and enjoy :D

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